Another Shaklee Baby that is healthy and robust! Cooper Daniel Rosenquist was born on October 20th. Labor started naturally and progressed just as it should. We had a midwife deliever at SilverCross with NO pain meds, no epideral, no pitocin, no rips, and no complications. This was consistant with my other 3 kids delievery- but this was the BEST one yet EVEN THOUGH HE WAS MY BIGGEST BABY at 9#6oz! This delivery was only 5 hours instead of the the next shortest was 23 hours.
Anyway, I am not sure what to credit-
I took Vivix every day since before pregnancy and continued through out. I believe this is this correcting some of my hormonal issues.
I took my Vitalizer Strip and INSTANT SOY in Apple Juice almost everyday. I believe this builds a healthy Baby!
I also did some research as to what supplements were listed as helping labor progress quickly. This is what I added DAILY to my Box and Can routine the last 1 1/2 months:
6 Sustain Released C I took a day/ the 4-6 Vital Mag I took a day/ the 6-9 Calcium I took a day/These are thought to help you relax dialate and have less painful-more effective contractions- shorter labor time.
9 GLA (Evening Prim Rose Oil was suggested but I found out that GLA has 5x more powerful prostaglandins [hormone like substances needed for labor] as EPRO.. so I substituted this product.)
or perhaps God's Mercy!
Anyway; I know that if I ever get pregnant again I will take all the above because I really feel like something was very different this time and labor progressed much better! Praise God for our Healthy Baby Boy!