Our New Addition-Cooper Daniel 9# 8oz

 Another Shaklee Baby that is healthy and robust! Cooper Daniel Rosenquist was born on October 20th. Labor started naturally and progressed just as it should. We had a midwife deliever at SilverCross with NO pain meds, no epideral, no pitocin, no rips, and no complications. This was consistant with my other 3 kids delievery- but this was the BEST one yet EVEN THOUGH HE WAS MY BIGGEST BABY at 9#6oz! This delivery was only 5 hours instead of the the next shortest was 23 hours.
     Anyway,  I am not sure what to credit-
I took Vivix every day since before pregnancy and continued through out. I believe this is this correcting some of my hormonal issues.
I took my Vitalizer Strip and INSTANT SOY in Apple Juice almost everyday. I believe this builds a healthy Baby!
I also did some research as to what supplements were listed as helping labor progress quickly. This is what I added DAILY to my Box and Can routine the last 1 1/2 months:
6 Sustain Released C I took a day/ the 4-6 Vital Mag I took a day/ the 6-9 Calcium I took a day/These are thought to help you relax dialate and have less painful-more effective contractions- shorter labor time.
9 GLA (Evening Prim Rose Oil  was suggested but I found out that GLA has 5x more powerful prostaglandins [hormone like substances needed for labor] as EPRO.. so I substituted this product.)
or perhaps God's Mercy! 
Anyway; I know that if I ever get pregnant again I will take all the above because I really feel like something was very different this time and labor progressed much better! Praise God for our Healthy Baby Boy!

Basic-G better than Chlorine Bleach

Basic-G Germicidal Cleaner - Cleans, disinfects and deodorizes in one step. Basic-G kills 33 different types of germs, including feline leukemia and canine parvovirus. In laboratory conditions using E Coli, resistant bacteria that contaminates meats, Basic-G killed the organism and continued to work for three days after the initial use. Household bleaches lose their effectiveness within one hour. Spray on kitchen counters after preparing meats to prevent risk of E Coli contamination. Rinsing is advised when around nursery surfaces, food, or surfaces where pets or children can reach.

With the new baby at our house now we are using our G-wipes and Basic-G spray more than ever now. Everyone around us seems to be sick and we have successfully stayed relatively healthy even through the Dr office and hospital visits !

Which brand of FISH OIL will you TRUST?

There are so many brands of Fish Oil out there -how do you know what you are buying? Is there really a big deal about the brand you choose? Yes there is! Here you are- going throught the cost and effort to reduce health challenges and instead you are accumulating a whole variety of HEAVY METALS in your body! Maybe after you realize that your body is getting poisoned with lead, arsenic, cadmium, dioxins and PCB's the "2 for 1 SALE" at the local drug store won't seem like such a good deal! Which brand do you trust for your family? Here are a few reasons I choose Shaklee Omega Gaurd!

  • Shaklee specifically uses small fish (anchovies and sardines) because heavy metals are least concentrated in the smallest species of the food chain.
  • Shaklee takes there small fish from the cold waters of the North Sea where the fish are swimming in the least contaminated waters.
  • Shaklee is Ultra Pure and has been tripple molecular distilled that concentrates the omega 3's and removes any harmful metals that were found.
  • Shaklee then test EACH batch for contaminents before they will sell that bottle.

When tested Omega Gaurd provides More EPA and DHA than Other Brands.For example:
Shaklee OmegaGaurd 1000mg of FISH OIL---545 mg of EPA---360 mg of DHA
Sundown Fish Oil-----1000mg of FISH OIL---180 mg of EPA---120 mg of DHA
Natures Bounty Oil---1000mg of FISH OIL---180 mg of EPA---120 mg of DHA
And these other companies do not run quality tests on each batch of fish oil they produce. They may never run ANY quality assurance testing or tests for heavy metals! They usually get their fish from commercially raised, ocean-caged, large fish that have been fed only pellets. Because the pellets are full of synthetics it effects the quality and the quanity of the Omega 3's.

Essential Fatty Acids- ARE YOU LACKING?

(contains acetylcholine which is crucial for transmission of nerve impulse)
  • Short-term Memory and Concentration
  • Digestion and Breakdown of Fats
  • Prevents/Dissolves Gallstones and KIDNEY Stones
  • Prevent and Reduces Cholesterol in the arteries
  • Liver get toxins out of body
  • Reduce PMS
  • Improve sexual hormone respose and interest
  • Menopausal symptoms like hotflashes
  • Prevents miscarrage in ladies and sterility in Men
  • Increases Metabolism
  • Prevent hair loss when associated with hormonal issues i.e. Postartum or menopausal
  • Improves Skin, Hair and Nail Condition
  • Improves skin rashes, ECZEMA, PSORIASIS, HIVES
  • Improves dry eye & salivary insufficiency
  • ADHD and other learning disorders
  • Prevent Heart Disease by lowering Cholesterol, Triglycerides and Blood Pressure
  • Makes Platelelets Slippery/reduces diseases associated w/ clotting i.e. Strokes, Heart attacks &; Phlebitis
  • Improves Circulation and people suffering with Cold hands /feet tingleing and numbness
  • Arthritis and its symptoms -pain, stiffness, & inflamation
  • Inflammatory skin conditions like ECZEMA, PSORIASIS, HIVES, & other RASHES
  • Reduces Headaches and MIGRAINES
  • Improves Vision especially Night Vision
  • Critical for healthy Fetal Development of brain /central nearvous system and vision
  • Reduces aggressive behavior and tantrums in Children
  • Improves IQ/ Cognitive Ability /and reading speed
  • ADHD, Dyslexia, dyspraxia, and AUTISM
  • Ability to adapt to STRESS
  • Decreases Anxiety, Depression, and "Baby Blues"
  • Reduces Hotflashes/Anxiety/Sleeping difficulty and depression through Menopause
  • Improves Muscel cordination/weekness w/ MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, PARKINSON's and Dyspraxia


Dr Brouse is well loved by my extended family and many I know. We call him regularly and have had our blood tested by him.  He sets people up with a daily regiment of vitamins per their blood chemistry and results. His link is also at the bottom of the page. He wrote an interesting article about Neuotoxins.
"*heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum, uranium)
*xenobiotics such as insecticides, wood preservatives, chemical solvents (xylene or parabens), auto exhaust (carbonmonoxide, petrochemicals)
∗ biotoxins such as bacteria (botulism, strep or staph), viruses, fungi, molds and yeasts
∗ food preservatives and cosmetics (aspartame, food colorings, fluoride, methyl- and propyl-parabens)
∗ auto toxins formed within the bowel (putrification)

Symptoms of neurotoxins can include fatigue, depression, insomnia, memory loss, blunting of senses, pain, numbness, tension and tissue death throughout the body. Neurotoxins will also exaggerate and contribute to other illnesses."
Check out the entire artical at:

Toxic chemicals on your Baby's Skin

I use to think if it has a name brand that I grew up with (like Johnson and Johnson) it is safe to use on my kids. If it says “All natural” -it’s safe. If it says “Gentle” or “Hypoallergenic”- it’s safe. This is not necessarily so! The industry is really not monitored very closely and companies use cheap, convenient fillers and stabilizers in their products that are very toxic to our children’s vulnerable bodies. Companies hide these products under so many "code names"- I find it is impossible to memorize them all. You can’t just look at the label and know if it is safe to use.
A Baby's skin is 5x's thinner than ours and their skin surface to weight ratio is greater -making these harmful chemicals more easily absorbed and it more difficult for their little bodies to flush all the chemicals out of their systems.
These chemicals not only are irritating to the skin; they are endocrine disruptors.(they disrupt the function of hormones and cause kidney and liver damage.)
The EPA has classified chemicals such as 1,4 dioxane and formaldehyde very harmful! Yet they are still in almost all products we use every day. Here's a short, condensed list:

Go Check your labels!!!!
Shampoos, Lotions, and other Body Products: Does it contain Phthalates? 
These are found in plastics to increase flexibility, longevity and transparency. However because they also stabilize fragrance they are commonly used in body care products.
The concerns are that they can lead to early breast development in girls, improper development of the reproductive organs in male babies, other birth defects and to be linked with obesity and insulin resistance.
Feb 10, 2009- California lead the ban to three types of phthalates and placed restrictions on 3 others types (common in kids/baby toys). Sadly, the ban did not include the use of phthalates in baby care products. :(

90% of beauty and skin products contain Parabens!  These are preservatives that are thought to have a direct link to some cancers, influencing estrogen levels, and DNA damage. Parabens mimic estrogen which plays a role in breast development, breast cancer and regulation of the female reproductive system. This chemical effects the function of the male reproductive system.

Shampoos, Cleaning, & Hygiene products: Does it contain Sodium Laury Sulfate- (SLS or SLES) It's a foaming agent with over 150 different names! Good luck keeping an eye out for that one! - It is a cheap anionic surfactant used in our cosmetics as well as Car Washes to degrease car engines---what's wrong with this picture? SLES is commonly contaminated with dioxane - a known carcinogen.
This chemical cannot be metabolized by the liver and has a long term effect on the body. Studies indicate SLS not only causes skin corrosion but residual levels in the heart, liver, lungs, and brain from contact through your skin. SLS is believed to be linked to PMS, decreased male fertility, and increased female cancers. Look on your shampoo- It is commonly one of the first ingredients!

Personal care products- 1,4-dioxane- is so toxic that accidental exposures to workers have caused several deaths. Its an aprotic solvent, classified as an "ether". It's a known eye/respiratory irritant, and suspected to cause damage to the central nervous system, liver and kidneys. The Internal Agency on Cancer classifies it as a "2B known carcinogen". In 2008 over half of all tested personal care products contained 1,4-dioxane.--- INCLUDING MANY THAT WERE LABELED "NATURAL" and "ORGANIC" Can you believe they get away with it!

Shampoos and other body products contain Formaldehyde- although it is classified as "toxic", "allergenic", "a probable human carcinogen" by the EPA, many include it because it is a cheap preservative. Don't bother looking for it on your shampoo bottle or lotion because manufactures are not required to list it on the ingredient list! -or it can hide under a different name. However 50% of body care products contained formaldehyde in a recent independent consumer study.

This is just the tip of the iceberg! I think it's scary for us moms. So what do you do? Take a chance or use the ShakleeBaby line of products: ShakleeBaby Wash (shampoo), Soothing Lotion, Massage Oil, and Diaper Cream. All my kids and I do! With SHAKLEE- very batch is tested and is -99% natural--76% to 99% organic (Ingredients like water can't be classified as organic)--clinically tested--hypoallergenic--ph balanced--NO Parabens-- NO Phthalates-- NO 1,4-dioxines--NO BPA's --No SLS--No formaldehyde-- NO artificial colors or NO synthetic fragrances. :)

Just a note to Moms- Be careful what you bathe in, put on your body and clean with! In 10 newborns infants, cordblood was tested and there were over 287 Industrial Chemicals, substances that have been band...  (i.e. herbicides/pesticides and other chemicals) that shouldn't have been there!
If you want safe alternatives with a money back guarentee--  Check out Shaklee's Enfuselle Line (personal body products) ProSante (Hair Products) and the Get Clean Line (household cleaning products) !

Protein Peanut Butter Fudge- A FAVORITE!

We eat alot of this! almost everyone likes it.

1 CUP Peanut Butter

1 CUP Instant Soy Mix (just a little less) (either Energizing Choc. or Van. works also)
1/2 Cup Honey

Opt. handful of Mini Chocolate chips :)

Mix all ingredients.. keep it a bit sticky and not pastey dry. If it gets dry add more pb and honey. Press in a 8x8 pan or form into little balls.

( Optional if eaten within a day:add rice krispy cereal on the bottom of pan and top.. makes handling easier when you get to the zoo or park. It tastes great with a snap crackle and crunch! )

Shaklee Performance VS. Gatorade

So what do I bring to the pool or water park to keep little bodies hydrated and up on their energy so they don't crash before closing time? Hmmm -Is it the popular sports drinks like Gatorade and Pedialite ?.. Nope! It's Shaklee Performance (orange or lemon lime flavored powder you add to your own water).
I challenge you to compare it with your favorite sports drink!
I just learned that Gatorade has one very simple sugar.. and Performance is 3 types sugar to release energy much longer. Gatorade also has hydrogenated ? in it which is very bad on your thyroid.
It contains three types of carbohydrates for energy and stamina (both simple and complex carbohydrates), glucose polymer, fructose, and glucose
-It contains a balance of electrolytes to prevent dehydration; calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium ions (electrolytes are mineral ions which can be lost through perspiration or excessive loose stools)
-It comes in two all-natural flavors: Lemon-Lime or Orange
-It contains no fat, no cholesterol, no preservatives or artificial sweeteners

Maximizing endurance:
Shaklee Performance helped maintain athletes* blood glucose levels for muscle energy and fluid levels for proper hydration. After more than three hours of vigorous cycling in the laboratory, during which time the cyclists consumed either Shaklee Performance or water, the speed was turned up even higher. At this sprint pace, Shaklee Performance drinkers endured for 33 minutes, while the water-only group lasted just two minutes!

In another test Cyclists rode stationary bicycles at 70% VO2 max for two to three hours. Shaklee Performance, other carbohydrate-electrolyte prototypes, and water were given to the athletes at the rate of one liter per hour. Shaklee Performance maintained blood glucose levels significantly higher than water throughout the test period, while maintaining plasma volume equal to that of water. Shaklee Performance also maintained a higher plasma osmolality than water, helping balance thirst with fluid needs and supporting the osmotic drive to drink. It was also the best-tolerated of all the carbohydrate-electrolyte prototypes.

One more cool fact... this is an amazing product was used as a model for AstroAde to help NASA astronauts during reentry to prevent kidney damage! "Shaklee produced and continues to provide space shuttle crews a unique customized rehydration beverage coined 'AstroAde'. "

Try a slushy:
2 huge scoops of Orange Juice Concentrate, 3 scoops of performance, 1 cup ice, up to 2 cups water... blend in blender till slush.